Saturday, June 26, 2010

C: 26 June: Les Contamines to Les Houches LAST DAY

Pictures are a bit out of order.

This was a relatively short day. We had a break near a glacier on the side of Mont Blanc then we passed over the Col de Voza which is not so high as the others we had passed through.

We headed down to the top of the Telepherique (cable car) at Les Houches were we were joined by AMB (knee still crook). We had our last lunch there and then took the easy option down in the cable car. Most people had their cars waiting in the free parking lot. We said our final goodbyes and did our "faire le bise" thing and took a taxi to Chamonix to collect a hire car.

Our plan was to visit friends at Champex-Lac in Switzerland for 3 days.

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