Saturday, June 19, 2010

K: 19 June - on to Chamonix

After uneventful drive from Roanne to Chamonix we A) topped up car with diesel B) checked into hotel and C) dropped off hire car. This should have been easier than it was but our GPS was bamboozled (complètement déboussolée as they say around here). A combination of roadworks & new one way systems had us doing a few circumnavigations before we got it right.

Chamonix was wet, cold and gloomy and the river was fast and full, - there had been heavy rains in the previous week and melting snow and glaciers added to it. We could only hope that things would improve for the walk tomorrow.

The cold and ominous views up to the mountains prompted me into visiting a mountain gear shop (there are heaps hear and all very good) for an extra warm layer of clothing.

A nice dinner at the hotel washed down with red wine helped us take our minds off what we may be in for. Early to bed and a great night's sleep for both.

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