Tuesday, May 25, 2010

X: 25 May - Mandrogi

Early morning Qi Dong (after hearty breakfast), followed by tour of Mandrogi after we docked at 9.30am.

This is a mosquito infested tourist spot on the Volga-Baltic Waterway. Its in the middle of nowhere and as I understand was a ghost village until repopulated in the 90's as a sort of Pushkin fairytale theme park for kids with a vodka museum added on.

We took a manually turned rope ferry to cross into a zoo area with caged native animals. Racoons an owl, a stork, and foxes.

In pm we had history lesson on Yeltsin, Putin & democracy. Interesting and well presented.

During our Russian lesson yesterday, we did something totally out of character and signed up to act in a little show not knowing this was the main guest talent show of the week. Alison was a wild boar and I (why did I put my hand up??) was the white horse. At 5 pm we had or rehearsal and at 10 pm we put on the performance. Extra wine with dinner helped.

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